Monday, January 18, 2016

NYC 311 reward


since 08/16/2011 and still fighting for justice

our great goal is REMOVEL from U.S 

if anyone send a fax for congressperson or senator and OIG of DOJ we will see justice early
you can send free online fax for congressperson from here
five days in the week tens Emails faxes online messages i send
for senator
got fax number for OIG of DOJ
and send your free online fax from here
or E-mail for                            

" agencies law not care about law five ago i had contacted them
refugee & asylum by fraud
first Name: BOUZID 
last name : MEBAREK AZZEM
  last adress : 92 Tompkins Cir Staten Island, NY 10301 USA this name: Robert G Marcone changed after the settlement of the situation
  had imprisoned in Algeria because involved of a stolen car case before his going to U.S.A he was buying stolen cars and forgery of documents and then sold fled from ALGERIA to Hong Kong because the authorities discovery of another stolen car, he was also involved in the case and from HON KONG or MACAU he go to usa NEW JERSEY at first NEW YORK second by bail he worked in city hall of NEW YORK Who knows how many documents he rigging and more suspect activities any country in the worl give refugee situation for person as him "
end text for fax or E-mail

 not encourage for extortion " most people care about money " it just way for punishment

This Varmint , which I am talking about he is the most despicable human being on the face of the Earth
since more than 45 years his mother married ,since the beginning Her life was as living in the hell after several months her family knowing , and they  asked her to divorce ,  she said to them i am ready to spend all my life in the torture and not see my son grow up like orphans after the large her son " the varmint "
managed to migration to the United States had obtain refugee situation by lie
cutting his relationship with his mother, she crying always years and years believed that he had died, and there was a person, he said to him call your mother so as to assure that you are alive and stop crying, Do you know what the response ? is to imagine this answer: she must forget that she has a son named BOUZID, The vanity touch of american life

* if you don't care about justice and the money it's your only goal in the life this is your staps
 *For get reward find this person first
Give him the choice either he give you the money or threat him you will set up a petition in order removal him informed me when you got 50% of signatures to make me sure you serious the rest of signatures is my job and as a gift for you
 " if you can't find him just create the petition and got 90% of signatures, he will contact you for deal "
Do not ask less than $400,000 he is The biggest hustler he will try to make you think he is not care or he can not payment , make sure he care and can pay " he have much dirty money " if he not pay " If you are concerned of extortion charge One asks the money if he not paid the second create the petition and got 90% signatures then he will pay "
" if you can't do anything you can sell this informations for any criminal and got  $10,000 or $20,000 "

 you have to be U.S citizen

1_ create a petition in " ensured site for petitions and easier " 
 the varmint he Is not ashamed after torture her mother ,he now Exploited her a despicable exploitation for showinng him self as a good son "
  you can choose one of two petition

first petition title : removal for who got refugee situation by fraud 

Story for petition above TEXT FOR FAX OR E-MAIL _____________________________________________________ 

second petition title : Removal and exile  from U.S.A for ever for who make his mother suffer   

Story for petition above TEXT FOR FAX OR E-MAIL

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